uAspire Launches Student Advocacy Fellowship
November 1, 2019
By Ali Caccavella
We’re looking for college students for our paid fellowship program!
Through a paid fellowship program, uAspire aims to help college students build advocacy skills that influence policy leaders to create the change they want to see in higher education affordability.
Students are the primary consumers of higher education, so their expertise should drive policy changes!
Core Issue:
Books, transportation, food, housing and other indirect expenses make up over 50% of the total costs to complete a college degree, but they are not made transparent for students. We seek to engage current college students to share their stories and ideas about the critical importance of this issue with government offices, regulators, and institutional leaders.
uAspire’s fellowship program is designed for 10 to 12 college students who have themselves experienced challenges navigating indirect expenses while pursuing their degree or credential. Fellows will receive training and professional development on how to advocate for change, how to navigate policy processes, how to prepare their story, as well as how to position themselves and build relationships with influential people and policy makers.
Undergraduate (sophomore +), Pell-eligible or DACA/TPS, full or part-time enrolled students. 18+ years old. Interested in policy and advocacy on college affordability. Working, part-time, returning-to-college and students with children are encouraged to apply!
$1,000 stipend for roughly 70-hour commitment including trainings, research and group work on advocacy strategy. Fully-paid transportation, accommodations, and meals for Washington, DC and state capitol travel.
Primarily remote engagement with Fellows from California, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. Requires access to laptop video camera for web-conferencing and Google classroom.
January - June 2020 (not including May). Two meetings per month on Tuesdays from 4-5:30 EST, 1-2:30 PST, plus state capitol and Washington, DC visits to be scheduled.
Apply via this link DUE by midnight (local time) on Thursday December 5, 2019.
Ideal candidates are curious about the workings of policy systems, outspoken about their ideas, eager to make change, considerate of all perspectives and committed to issues of equity in higher education!
Questions? Please email Ali Caccavella, Senior Director of Policy and Systems Change at