Student Debt Impact
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Virtual Event

Financing Education and Economic Opportunity
Student Debt Impact explores how unprecedented borrowing burdens American families across generations, reduces economic opportunity, and exacerbates the racial wealth gap. The panel shares strategies and solutions to financially empower families as they confront student debt burden.
Thank you to everyone who attended and for your interest in addressing student debt's impact on students and families. Our profound gratitude goes to our incredible panelists—Fenaba R. Addo of UNC-Chapel Hill, Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings of Earn Your Leisure, and Dr. Adrian K. Haugabrook of SNHU—and our sponsors for making this event possible.
We invite you to watch the conversation below!
Our Panelists
Fenaba Rena Addo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Fenaba Rena Addo, Ph.D., is an associate professor of public policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research program examines the causes and consequences of debt and wealth inequality with a focus on higher education, family, and relationships. Widely published in academic journals and policy outlets, her work on racial disparities in student debt, older Black women and wealth, and the Millennial wealth gap, sheds light on the ways that societal inequalities stem from historical legacies of racial exclusion and discrimination, and how they get reproduced over time. It also highlights the systemic barriers Black American women and men face in attaining economic security for their families. Addo received her Ph.D. in Policy Analysis and Management from Cornell University and holds a B.S. in Economics from Duke University.
Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings
Founders, Earn Your Leisure
Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings, founders of financial literacy brand Earn Your Leisure, are revolutionizing financial education. Through their platform, which consists of a podcast, Earn Your Leisure University, and more, Bilal and Millings teach about the money plays behind sports, entertainment, and business. The duo cover the backstories of entrepreneurs and break down the latest trends in finance and entrepreneurship. With a background in business and economics, Bilal brings an authentic financial perspective to EYL. As an educator, Millings shares lessons in wealth creation in a relatable way. Together, they aim to expand the conversation of financial literacy while educating as many people as possible.
Dr. Adrian K. Haugabrook
Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Social Impact Collective at Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Adrian K. Haugabrook is executive vice president and managing director for the Social Impact Collective at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). He has committed his over three-decade career to influencing access, equity, and opportunity by leading strategy, growth, policy, and change initiatives in higher education and non-profit sectors. He is a frequent speaker on change, innovation, and the future of higher education and was a featured speaker at TED 2021. Dr. Haugabrook is a director at Upswing and a 2020-2021 designer in residence with the Education Design Lab. He sits on the boards of the Postsecondary National Policy Institute, the Ascend National Advisory of the Aspen Institute, and City Year New Hampshire. Haugabrook received his doctorate from the UMass Boston, master’s from Georgia Southwestern State University, and bachelor’s from the University of West Georgia.