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For a long time, I didn't really understand what college was, I just knew it was something you do after high school. I would hear people say you have to go to college to be successful but no one in my family graduated from college and in my eyes they were all successful, so I struggled to visualize what going to college would mean to me. 

That all changed when my middle school brought alumni in to share their college experiences with us. After hearing their stories, I decided college was the next step I wanted to take after high school.
Luckily, I connected with a uAspire advisor early in the application process. My advisor made the process so much easier by telling me exactly what I should do and what I would need. She was so supportive and easy to talk to, I could tell that she cared about helping me.
"College is challenging me and pushing me to see things from a different perspective, and I am proud of how much I am growing."
I remember when my older sister started to apply for college, she had to figure it out all on her own. I can see the difference between our processes, and it's a huge weight off my shoulders. I'm genuinely grateful for all the support I received.

Working with my uAspire advisor made me more confident and trusting. I am a very independent person that likes to figure things out on my own, and uAspire showed me it's okay to ask for help. College is challenging me and pushing me to see things from a different perspective, and I am proud of how much I am growing. I am really looking forward to where I go from here.